Our Mission, Vision and Values

Our Mission

Alliance for a Better Community is advancing social, economic, racial equity and justice for the Latina/o community and the Los Angeles region through power building and policy advocacy.

Our Vision

The Alliance for a Better Community’s (ABC) vision is to ensure a vibrant Los Angeles region where Latinas/os fully participate in, contribute to and benefit from a prosperous, multi-ethnic community in which families enjoy:

  • Full and meaningful participation in civic and economic arenas
  • Full access to high-performing schools and increased opportunity to attend college
  • Quality healthcare and
  • Safe, affordable housing

Our Values 


We value and celebrate new ideas and approaches so our work can flourish and make a positive impact on the communities we advocate for so they may be able to fully thrive in Los Angeles. 


We sustain relationships that demonstrate respect for our communities and we have earned the opportunity to be seen as a trusted partner, source of information, and member of the community. 

Service to Others

We are committed to helping our community to thrive and flourish. From education to health, we advocate with families so they and their communities receive the resources and services to help them prosper. 


We work with a diverse set of stakeholders who hold a common set of values, and together, develop a plan to embark on achieving a common goal or vision through sharing resources, and experiences/skills. 


We draw from our experience to identify with, understand, and appreciate the Latina/o community that we serve.


We believe in the power of community and strive to work with community leaders to inform our advocacy agenda, strategy, and implementation.


We empower the community by providing the tools to enhance leadership skills and include their voice in our advocacy efforts. 


For over 20 years, ABC has served as a reputable source of information and has been at the forefront of advancing education, health, and economic development policy and civic engagement. 


We are thoughtful when setting goals and priorities and deciding on actions to achieve goals, focusing on needed resources and considering multiple options that could achieve the best solutions for the Latina/o community. 


We strive for excellence and improvement, challenge the status quo, and confidently and courageously seize new opportunities and take risks.