Share Your Story!

We invite YOU to share your personal experiences to highlight issues impacting Latina/o communities in Los Angeles. By amplifying the voices of our community, we can showcase diverse contributions and address the challenges faced by Latinas/os. Currently, we are focusing on stories covering college access and multilingual learner success, with more topics to come soon! Your stories will help increase awareness of Latina/o contributions and existing inequities, grow support for equitable policies, systems, and investments, and drive meaningful change.

Click the issue that interests you to read the details!

College Access

The Community Engagement for College Success Network (CECSN) in Los Angeles is excited to invite YOU to share your unique stories about college access and success! Your stories and experiences will be used to uplift a college-going culture that benefits students but also contributes to the collective growth and prosperity of the community. Whether you face challenges, triumphs, or unexpected turns, your narrative can make a difference!

The stories submitted will be used in a communications campaign to uplift the challenges and triumphs of individuals in their pursuit of higher education. So, you may see your story on any of the participating organization’s websites, social media accounts, newsletters, or beyond. By sharing community stories, we aim to inspire and motivate others facing similar obstacles, demonstrating that with determination, support, and access to resources, college success is possible. 

Who Can Submit? College students from Los Angeles, California, with a preference for student stories from East Los Angeles, South Los Angeles, and Southeast Los Angeles (SELA). You can be attending a college or university outside of Los Angeles.

Here are questions to consider when telling your story:

1. What inspired or motivated you to pursue higher education?

2. What were some challenges you faced on your journey to college access and success? How did you overcome these challenges?

3. Who or what supported you along the way?

4. Can you share a memorable moment or experience during your college journey?

5. How has pursuing a higher education opened the door to opportunities you may not have had otherwise

6. How do you envision your college experience contributing to the growth and prosperity of you, your family and your community?

7. In what ways do you believe a college-going culture can improve economic and social mobility for Latino/a students and their families? How do these changes ripple out to benefit the wider community?

8. What resources or programs do you think would benefit students in their pursuit of college access and success?

Format Requirement: Submit your story in written format in the submission box provided below, This can be a poem, essay, or an informal letter. Feel free to get creative! Alongside your written submission, provide a photo that compliments your story. In addition, we encourage you to share your story through a brief video–90 seconds or less. Instructions for submitting a video that compliments your story are here.

Submission Deadline: June 15, 2024

Selection and Use of Videos: Submissions will be reviewed by ABC staff and partner organizations. Your story may be featured across digital platforms, toolkits, and pitched to media to raise awareness about college access and success. Our partner organizations will also have access to ensure wide visibility and engagement!

If you have any questions please contact Bonnie Amos, Communications Manager, at

MLL Storybank

Alliance for a Better Community (ABC) is excited to launch the Multilingual Learner (MLL) Storybank, a curated collection of narratives designed to highlight and address the unique needs of MLL students in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). If you’re a MLL student attending an LAUSD school, we want to hear from YOU! Unsure if your school is part of LAUSD? Check the school directory!

Who Can Submit? LAUSD MLL students!

Format Requirement: Submit your story in written format in the submission box provided below, This can be a poem, essay, or an informal letter. Feel free to get creative! Alongside your written submission, provide a photo that compliments your story. In addition, we encourage you to share your story through a brief video–90 seconds or less. Instructions for submitting a video that compliments your story are here.

Here are questions to consider when telling your story:

  • Personal Journey
    • Can you share your story about being a multilingual learner?
    • What languages do you speak, and how has that impacted your learning experience?
  • Challenges
    • What unique challenges have you faced as an MLL student?
    • How have these challenges affected your academic and social life?
  • Support Systems
    • What support have you received at school to help you overcome challenges?
    • Have you received support outside of school that has helped you succeed academically and socially? If so, what kind? 
    • Can you share an example of a time when you received significant help or support?
    • What support was not available to you but could have helped you overcome challenges?
  • Successes
    • What achievements are you most proud of as an MLL student?
    • Do you think knowing two languages is beneficial? If so, how?
  • Digital Equity
    • Have you or your family faced any challenges trying to find affordable internet services or devices (laptops, tablets)?
    • What type of school activities do you use the internet for?
    • How important is the internet for students today? 

Submission Deadline: July 15th

Selection and Use of Videos: Submissions will be reviewed by ABC staff and partner organizations. Your story may be featured across digital platforms, toolkits, and pitched to media to raise awareness about Multilingual Learners. Our partner organizations will also have access to ensure wide visibility and engagement!

Thank you for your participation and for helping us advocate for the needs and successes of multilingual learners at LAUSD! If you have any questions please contact Bonnie Amos, Communications Manager, at

Submission Form

    Click here for video submission guidelines.

    I consent and authorize the Alliance for a Better Community organization, its employees, officials, and partner organizations to use photographs, digital images, video footage, and comments of myself to create educational and promotional materials.

    I grant the Alliance for a Better Community organization, its officers, employees, and partner organizations the full rights to publicly or privately showcase these materials, including photographs, comments, and other content created by myself. This includes their utilization in publications, websites, social media, marketing collateral, and communication initiatives. I waive any rights, claims, or interests I may hold on my behalf pertaining to the control of my likeness, identity, and comments in photographs, digital images, videos, and other related content. I understand and acknowledge that any utilization as described above may be undertaken without the entitlement to compensation.

    By sharing my story and media, I affirm my complete agreement with the aforementioned statements and hereby provide the necessary permissions on my behalf.

    Consiento y autorizo a la organización Alliance for a Better Community, sus empleados, funcionarios y organizaciones asociadas a utilizar fotografías, imágenes digitales, secuencias de vídeo y comentarios míos para crear materiales educativos y promocionales.

    Concedo a la organización Alliance for a Better Community, sus funcionarios, empleados y organizaciones asociadas todos los derechos para exhibir pública o privadamente estos materiales, incluidas las fotografías, comentarios y otros contenidos creados por mí. Esto incluye su utilización en publicaciones, sitios web, redes sociales, material de marketing e iniciativas de comunicación. Renuncio a cualquier derecho, reclamación o interés que pueda tener en mi nombre en relación con el control de mi imagen, identidad y comentarios en fotografías, imágenes digitales, vídeos y otros contenidos relacionados. Entiendo y reconozco que cualquier utilización según lo descrito anteriormente puede llevarse a cabo sin derecho a compensación.

    Al compartir mi historia y los medios de comunicación, afirmó mi total acuerdo con las declaraciones anteriores y por la presente proporcionó los permisos necesarios en mi nombre.